PIN 4419
- Fee/Minute
- £2.50£1.50
- $2.99
Great! Thanks Nikki.
- MadameBovary
Looks like everything you said is coming true!
- Smorek34
Sweet and to the point
- PAw45
I will comeback, thanks Nikki
- sagiLady
I feel like a need a coffee after this reading and go back to work! Thanks Nikki, you gave me faith in continuing
- Santa345
Nikki is a fantastic and experienced Clairsentient, Clairaudiant and Tarot card reader. Nikki is very insightful with her readings.
You will feel an instant connection to Nikki and you will be reassured that she has connected to not only you but also your loved ones. Many clients have commented that after having a reading with Nikki they feel healed.
- Clairvoyant
- Clairsentient
- Clairaudient
- Medium
- Psychic
- Love and relationships psychic readings
- Career and work psychic readings
- Pet relationship psychic readings
- Numerology
- Angel cards
- Tarot cards.