PIN 4152
- Fee/Minute
- £2.50£1.50
- $4.99
Thanks, Nav great reading as always! hope you are correct!
- Messer34
I was blown me away by how much she knew about me and my situation. I almost chocked over the phone
- Konny
I feel like talking to my big sister except, that Navana has the powers.
- Minime23
helpful, sweet, compassionate and honest.
- NewYork2
Navana is my “venting” outlet, when in a crisis – Thx !
- Zoe
Navana is a natural Psychic Clairvoyant. Natasha has an amazing quality of making even her regular clients surprised with the amount of detail she will pick up about any situation.
Navana has worked for many years as a Clairvoyant and has a very caring and sensitive nature. If you are nervous about calling a Clairvoyant but are desperate to speak to someone, Natasha is the one for you.
Navana will help and support you through any difficult situation you may be facing and will always provide a detailed and comforting reading.
- Clairvoyant
- Clairsentient
- Clairaudient
- Medium
- Psychic
- Love and relationships psychic readings
- Career and work psychic readings
- Pet relationship psychic readings
- Numerology
- Angel cards
- Tarot cards.