PIN 4034
- Fee/Minute
- £2.50£1.50
- $4.99
John is the best! I run out of funds! But amazing as always 🙂 thanks, John!
- VALD79
The perfect way to end the chaotic year. Thank you, john. XO
- NDoc18
Such a beautiful reading 🙂 and so helpful. Thank you, J!
- WILL18
It was my first reading with John. He knows. I will be back
- Susy91
John answered a lot of questions for me! Can’t be more grateful! thanks I’ll be updating you soon.
I specialize in Psychic readings, as well as the use of Tarot cards and healing. I love helping and supporting people that wish to ask questions about their life, marriage/relationships, work, and future. I am kind, considerate, an excellent listener, and easy to speak with. Whatever your question, I’ll offer you clear and accurate details, clarity, and real answers to what is bothering you.
I strongly believe that sometimes the wrong choices bring up you to the right place, but you can either take the risk or lose the chance. I’m here to help you find the right routes that will take you to your best future possible.
- Psychic
- Tarot Cards.
- Love and relationships
- Career and work
- Destiny & life path
- Past lives
- Deceased loved ones.