PIN 6161
- Fee/Minute
- £2.50£1.50
- $2.99
great and thanks Jill! Talk to u soon ????
- Titty
Jill is one of the best psychic I have ever met in my life! Recommended!
- Generos_Spirit
- Scotty5
Ran out of minutes but thank you Jill… Thank YOU!
- Lucinda76
I loved every minute of the reading. And the thing about my collegue… not sure how she knew but Jill was spot on!
- Molly
From her earliest memories, Jill has been able to pick up on the accurate details of situations, who individuals are, what they are thinking, feeling, and why. Her ongoing journey within hones these gifts, and it is with an intense sense of joy and privilege that she reads for her clients. Her commitment is to delineate truth in detail and bring you all the insight you really need to be the architect of your own destiny.
Her ongoing journey within hones these gifts, and it is with an intense sense of joy and privilege that she reads for her clients.
Her commitment is to delineate truth in detail and bring you all the insight you really need to be the architect of your own destiny.
- Clairvoyant
- Clairsentient
- Clairaudient
- Medium
- Psychic
- Love and relationships psychic readings
- Career and work psychic readings
- Pet relationship psychic readings
- Numerology
- Angel cards
- Tarot cards.