PIN 4456
- Fee/Minute
- £2.50£1.50
- $2.99
I am very happy now! thanks Joanna
- TommyB
hmmm, finally something to look forward to…!
- rosebeth345
Joanna is a rare catch in the psychic world !
- drkeppel23
THanks.. I am going throughh a lot, but I feel much better know that I have talked to you. Thansk Jo for exploring in so much details and offer such a great advice. I’ll follow this through!
- Santina
I’d recommend Joanna over and over and over. She has great psychic powers!
- Cru23456
Joanna is a psychic clairvoyant. Joanna is a natural psychic, who was born with her ability. She also is a clairsentient which means she reads from the heart and can feel peoples energies and emotions, whether they are in the same room or the other side of the world.
This makes her insightful into what is going on in peoples lives, especially where matters of the heart are concerned.
- Clairvoyant
- Clairsentient
- Clairaudient
- Medium
- Psychic
- Love and relationships psychic readings
- Career and work psychic readings
- Pet relationship psychic readings
- Numerology
- Angel cards
- Tarot cards.